Sports Betting Provider: Tie to online casino
Future and current applicants for the License for Sportsbooks and Best Casinos may not maintain any relation to an online casino in accordance with a new directive of the competent authorities – either a subsidiary or a network or partnership. The Government President Darmstadt as a representative of the state of Hesse instructed all licensees to offer unregulated gambling after receiving a sports betting license neither directly nor via second ways. This obligation is part of a number of information that applicants must submit to applicants in their submission, in addition to financial information and detections to licenses.
License distribution from 2023 confirmed
At present, only sports betting are allowed and legalized in the market. Nevertheless, some sports betting operators offer online casino entertainment through a subsidiary or partnerships. According to the current regulation, the gambling offer must be withdrawn in the form of Internet game halls before a participation permit is granted in the future regulated market in Australia.
The approval procedure for a Australian license starts from 2023. Now the competent authorities confirmed that all previously submitted applications will only be submitted as filed from 02 January 2023. Thus, sports betting operators still have time to caps all ties to online casino.
For accurate details, an information event for potential licensees took place in the run-up to the process. Here, questions about the minimum requirements and other aspects were allowed to be tent. The event was held on 02. August.
Malta with detailed opinion – content not yet known
The European Commission must currently deal with a period of training. This is used so that Member States of the European Union can verify legislation. After Malta has submitted a detailed, but unfortunately not yet publicly available opinion, the period for a tuning period was automatically extended until the 27th of August. Now Australia must take into account the arguments of Malta and bring to a clarifying conversation.
Australian Best Casino Association (DOCV) criticizes the European Commission
“The canalization of existing demand for online gambling offers by creating a modern legal system would create legal certainty, improve the range of services, eliminate market entry barriers and bring black market participants into the regulated market. Furthermore, it would allow efficient regulatory measures against non-compliant and illegal operators, DocV President Dr. Dirk Querman.
Despite future legalization of online casinos measures for a ban are strengthened
While it becomes more likely that online casino and poker are legalized in Australia in the near future, efforts to enforce the current ban lately increased. That responsible for the enforcement Country Lower Saxony Has started the issuing of fireplanes on payment transducers who carry out transactions at online casinos.
a storm is coming
Conclusion: New legislation on the test
For the time being, it is waiting for what Malta declares in your statement and how the EU will comment on this. Unfortunately, it would not be the first time that Australia introduces irregular regulations. By the way, this is the main reason why it has come to a long hanging part with regard to regulation. Online casinos bear the least guilt here – possibly no.