Google allows gambling apps for real money

While the debate about the 2023 gambling contract in force the countries in full swing, the American search engine provider Google seems to use the favor of the hour and has announced, from March the Distribution of gambling apps about the in-house app store also to allow in Australia. This is surprising, because so far, these were strictly forbidden.

Gambling apps for real money

Gambling appswhere you can bet for real money were already in the App Store of Google For a while forbidden. Be tolerated Only so-called social casinosIn which you can use money, but can not pay out and only plays with virtual currencies. Together with Australia the Offer of gambling apps from March will also be expanded in the US, Japan, Denmark and Spain and 9 other countries.

Basically, Google distinguishes four categories in relation to gambling apps: Online casinos, lottery apps, sports betting and fantasy sports. To be allowed according to the new guidelines, both lottery apps as well as sports betting. Online casinos and fantasy sports continue to be among the forbidden categories. In order to create a fair environment for consumers, Google has assured to control apps from these categories in the future far more thorough and subject a strict testing procedure.

Country-specific specifications

With his reorganization google At country-specific specifications and pay attention to local events. Therefore, only now before the introduction of state gambling regulation, one has decided for this step. Is unknown how Google will deal with lottery apps in the future, because our “6 from 49“And most other lotteries are subject to the state lottery monopoly, so that a release here could be difficult.

Incidentally, this also applies to many other countries. Last but not least for the US, which do not have to take into account a single country, but 50 partially very different states, which cook all their own soup. There are also countries where the complete Gambling managed by the state and even those who do without regulation. For Google is important that there are state licenses in each country and that the apps meet all applicable laws. In addition, gambling apps may not be offered chargeable.

Critique of consumer protectors

From the consumer protectors Google had to recently harsh criticism Listen to. Last but not least, because already a few apps are offered, which work in a similar way as casinos or elements have. Again and again the so-called “Loot boxes” mentioned. This is a kind of container that you have to buy for real money and contains the objects of different rarity stages with appropriate probabilities. As with a lottery you buy a kind of “Ticket“For a chance of winning a win that is played when you open the box.


For Google could offer Gambling apps for lucrative business become. After all, the provider gets a commission on all purchases that you make with or through the app. In addition, it is good that all apps are carefully checked before setting. Whether this is also morally justifiable because one can also enter the store very easily as a minor, the Group must decide for itself in the last instance.

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About the author AVI Fichtner My name is Avi Fichtner and I have been working in gambling for 12 years. I have built up several big information pages and know me well. Also for 12 years I have observed the failed regulatory attempts in Australia and write.
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