Online casino regulation – really really?

After years of hanging, movement seems to have come to the Australian gambling market. So far, the focus of the federal states, lotto and sports betting was to legalize. Already because the federal states have hitherto failed. Online casinos and online poker should be deliberately prohibited. In the latter two would have been with little tax revenue, but with much public criticism.

Criticism came from all in front of our side Who forbids online poker and online casinos, actively promotes a black market, so our reading of the countries’ efforts.

Now, the insight has been enforced that prohibitions in the time of VPNs and Bitcoins do not bring anything because every technical layman can handle such prohibitions easily.

The federal states have ignited a small bomb this morning:

  1. All forms of gambling should be allowed
  2. GOer protection should be high
  3. Information on taxes have not been made so far
  4. There is a monthly limit of 1,000 euros for all deposits
  5. There should be a central player file to which the online casinos must submit the missions of all players. This also serves to the self-lock
  6. On the basis of algorithms, potentially players should be identified

That sounds very good and reasonable. However, some problematic aspects are already recognizable in the corner data:

1. Monthly limit for gambling – is that really useful?

1,000 euros are a priority for many players. Most players give less than 1,000 euros for gambling per month. For many, 1,000 euros would be clearly too much. On the other hand, there are rich people in Australia who could easily lure 10,000 euros a month without hurting it. When playing it’s thrilling thrill and there is no thrill anymore for richnesses? And who can not afford the 1,000 euros, may still be playing around?

From the perspective of If the players are allowed to specify according to the Danish role model, how much they are allowed to lure and not at the online casino provider, but in the central file of the planned new gambling authority.

By the way, you can count profits, so much you want.

2. Tax as a lever for successful regulation

Not yet mentioned, how high the betting tax is supposed to be. If she is too high, e.g. In France, there is hardly any incentives for gambling providers to apply for a license. As a result, the market monopolizes and the market becomes unattractive for players. In the worst case, players play again with unregulated providers.

The arguments of mains barriers and payment blockages do not apply from our point of view. With a VPN you can handle mains locks and cash shops are very difficult to implement according to Australian law.

3. Legal framework

Of course, interesting is the legal question as to whether such a central player file is actually compatible with Australian fundamental rights, or whether such a file is too deep into fundamental rights. We do not want to discuss this question, but leave the decision to the competent judges.


So far, Australian players can play in online casinos, as long as they have an EU license. While this is not really allowed but not prohibited, as there is no EU compliant Australian regulation. The EU Commission has been calling for the federal states for years to finally decide a Australia-wide regulation. Now it is hopefully in June 2023. The online team of wishes the countries a lot of courage in the development of the final version. In addition, we would like to point out that a self-dialed limit is much better than a flat-rate monthly limit. 1,000 euros are much for most Australian citizens, for another part of the population, it is not even a pocket money.

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Our visitors have made the following experiences:

  • As a player, I like to pursue the regulatory acquisitions, as I am affected directly. So far, there were not really progress, the more I am glad to hear that the federal states finally want to agree.

    I have been wanting to play in a Australian online casino for years, because I do not like the long journey path in a casino and little playbacks not really because the payouts are really modest … Well, everyone like he likes.

    I’m curious like that developed, also with the lock file. Do I have to register in the authority or how is that implemented? And what data I have to specify. In times of social media and internet, people are not necessarily protected anyway, but voluntarily give everything again and possibly far-to-personalized data … I do not know, but let’s see how to solve it.

    I’m curious!

    best regards

    PS: Thank you for the regular contributions to the right and the whole Warr-Warr.

  • Dear Team!

    Well that’s interesting news!
    Although I have to say that as a hobby players a Australian regulation does not seem to affect it (because I am protected by EU-compliant regulation!), But damage may not be able to harm an official Australian regulation.

    I acknowledge that this would significantly reduce the accompanying crime, money laundering, fraud and manipulation and the gambling addiction can be significantly better controlled. There are probably new jobs.

    Your argument regarding betting tax and monopolization is a good point – remains to be hoped that the decision goals are considering this!

    And in the meantime, I continue to use your Super Casino Test Reports In order not to fall into the falling of a “black sheep” – thanks for sharing your experiences, this makes the search for reputable online casinos and good bonus offers much easier!

    Best regards,


  • Hello everybody,
    Does this mean that as a player now I do not move in a gray zone in the future?
    Have I ever moved myself in a gray zone ???
    It does not matter, seemingly it is finally in the right direction.

    Whereby I’m not sure if this 1000 EUR limitation is really so useful.

    Thanks Avi, continue so …

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About the author AVI Fichtner My name is Avi Fichtner and I have been working in gambling for 12 years. I have built up several big information pages and know me well. Also for 12 years I have observed the failed regulatory attempts in Australia and write.
AVI Fichtner Casino Expert & Author