Are use limits useful?
A study conducted in the United Kingdom creates clarity
With the New gambling scheme should in Australia in July 2023 An insert limit is introduced, which should limit any applications for slot machines to a Euro.
The two main reasons for this: You want to protect the players before gambling addiction and strengthen the youth protection. But is such a meaningful sense or is the end of the shot perhaps even going back to the back? For this purpose, a British study has recently been dealing with clarity.
Sense of the use limit
GOers in casinos can be distinguished in several types. Most of them are responsible, rely carefully and rely on high losses. Other types are risky and can only be difficult to accept a loss series. To protect them, the Lifetime Created, because instead of constantly throwing more money in the vending machines, one will be forced to consider whether the time would be to stop and try it on another day.
The study
The study became With a gambling provider in England carried out. The subjects were first divided into different groups. Then you showed pages with different online casinos on which you had to determine how much money you would deposit to match. Some of the pages were limited and the limit was allowed under no circumstances.
GOers are reluctant to be patronized
One thing is clear in any case: Of course, as a player, one lets himself be patronized and would like to determine how much you want to deposit and use in the online casino. Especially in terms of its own personal financial situation, because although a loss of EUR 1,000 for most people may be a lot for some, but not just and just this High-Rollerwho bring a lot of money into the casinos would be due to the limits very strong. In addition, in many online casinos, there is already the opportunity to set itself a deployment or loss limit. Many players do not know these options because the casinos do not point out enough.
Result of the study
The result of the study is very surprising. Most players who have not been given limit set their deposit lower than those limited to equal conditions. If there was an example of roulette a group player without limit and a group with a limit of 500 EUR, the group put “No limit“Not more than 250 EUR, while the group”Limit“At 400 EUR was. A limitation seems to increase the willingness to approach the limit, while the players have to be considered themselves without limitation and usually are more cautious.
Look at the Results of the British study On, the answer should be reasonably clear whether useful limits are reasonable. Nevertheless, there are of course people who have a high addiction potential and in some cases no longer be able to put responsibly. But it is questionable whether one should “punish” for this small part of the gaming society. Much would be more likely to provide preventive work here and developing concepts that help players realize that they themselves are indispensable and possibly just to commit stupidity.